Success Stories

Digital Solutions for the Education Sector

Enabling teachers to share resources and incorporate state standards in lesson planning

teacher in front of school class back view panoramic

Project Overview

A school district that serves 88,000-plus students with 4,700 teachers in 155 schools had come to a blunt realization: Its existing software could do more, much more. Teachers need to connect with each other to share curricula and and efficiently building lessons around changing state standards. Education leaders knew that better connectivity would help teachers share ideas, build better lesson plans, and access training resources–improving education across the district.

Client Challenge

When RevGen began working with the school district’s superintendent and IT leadership, they uncovered three key challenges:

  1. The district lacked the right tool to connect teachers across all its schools on a common software platform to share ideas, lesson plans, and training resources.
  2. They needed a tool that would allow teachers to build lessons and customized unit plans that met ever-evolving state standards.
  3. Existing software was not meeting the district’s needs, and off-the shelf tools fell short.


From the start, RevGen collaborated with the district’s leadership, technology team, and teachers to build a software solution that would meet the organization’s unique needs. To do this we took the following approach:
Observed users with the existing tool. Understanding how teachers think about state standards, the terminology they use, and the gaps in their current processes helped us to focus solving what matters to users
Identified and prioritized the functionality needed by end users. This approach assured the development work was focused on building software that had the biggest impact and mattered the most to teachers.
Built and tested the software in iterations. Using Agile project management meant delivered new functionality in the software every few weeks, This gave the end users a chance to test the product, give feedback, and assure it was doing exactly what it needed to do.


RevGen delivered a customized software platform that offers:

  • An intuitive interface that mirrors what teachers are used to seeing and minimizes the need for teacher training.
  • A secure, scalable architecture that allows for changes but also protects content from unauthorized viewers or accidental deletions and will grow with the district.
  • A peer rating system that delivers top-quality content to the front page of search results.
  • Unprecedented efficiency that saves teachers thousands of hours in repetitive administrative tasks, digging for content, or sifting through state standards. Now teachers can focus on what they care about – educating their students.

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